Inverness Oran Entertainment


Inverness County Singers and Young Inverness County Singers in concert

-by John Gillis

    Each year prior to Christmas many people in Inverness County look forward to a series of concerts by the Inverness County Singers and this year was no exception.
    However, poor weather had an impact on the scheduled concerts, causing two of their performances to be cancelled – one in Port Hawkesbury which wasn’t rescheduled and another in Mabou which had a storm date of Thursday, December 29th. That concert took place at St. Mary’s Parish Church.
    Two other Inverness County Singers concerts took place earlier in the month at the Inverary Manor in Inverness and in Broad Cove.
    Director Laurel Browne had been busy in the months previous picking arrangements and working with the Inverness County Singers and the Young Inverness County Singers preparing for the shows.
    Browne told The Oran this week that there are currently 37 adults in the Inverness County Singers although some had other commitments around Christmas and couldn’t make the concert. There are also now a very healthy number of 28 Young Inverness County Singers participating as well.
    The title of this season’s concert was Making Spirits Bright and in addition to Browne, featured accompanist Lawrence Cameron on piano.
    Freewill donations from all the performances went to local charities.

    Browne noted that this year’s concerts featured Part 1 or the Christmas Section of Handel’s Messiah which featured seven soloists. The concert also featured the Young Inverness County Singers (melody and four soloists) performing alongside the Inverness County Singers (accompaniment) on a modern arrangement of Away in the Manger.
    The next project for the Inverness County Singers and the Young Inverness County Singers will be a Beatles Tribute Show sometime in the spring and work will begin on that performance as soon as January 23rd.
    The Inverness County Singers are a no audition performance and community choir that meet every Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the Inverary Manor in Inverness.
    Browne says the group is now greatly in need of bass and tenor vocalists and they always welcome new members.
    Browne says she’s also looking forward to introducing the Young Inverness County Singers to the compositions of Beatles John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It will also mark the second year that the Young Inverness County Singers will be involved in writing their own songs.
    Browne says she loves directing the singers.
    “We sing a lot and we laugh a lot and we work very hard. I love doing this work and working with all the singers who love doing what they do. So, the invitation is there to all to come out, improve your health and cognitive abilities along with experiencing the joy of singing,” Browne concluded.


Oran Dan - The Inverness Oran -

The Inverness Oran
15767 Central Avenue. P.O. Box 100
Inverness, Nova Scotia. B0E 1N0
Tel.: 1 (902) 258-2253. Fax: 1 (902) 258-2632
Email: [email protected]