Columns and Letters

Keep your cool in the heat

-by Bonny MacIsaac

     Well it looks like they are finally here, sunshine and warmer temperatures. After months of chilly Canadian weather, we are more than ready for some summer heat! But too much sun and heat exposure can lead to serious heat-related illnesses. Heat-related illnesses include heat stress, heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Symptoms can range from painful muscle spasms to fainting, seizures, unconsciousness and even death.

    The Canada Safety Council encourages Canadians to take proactive safety measures to protect themselves, their children and pets while enjoying the heat of the summer months.


 Preventing heat illnesses

     During heat waves, schedule outdoor activities during the morning or evening whenever possible to minimize time spent outdoors during peak heat hours.

– Avoid drinks with caffeine and alcohol – they are natural diuretics and will dehydrate you.

– Eat a balanced diet and consider sports drinks that contain electrolytes to replenish your body.

– Plan ahead and bring drinking water with you when you travel, when you are on the jobsite, etc.

– When out in the sun, wear light-coloured, loose-fitting, and long-sleeved clothing, and a hat with a brim.

– If you experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or nausea, stop what you are doing and find a place to rest.

Protecting workers

    Young men in manual occupations are the most vulnerable to extreme heat and heat illnesses, according to an Ontario study by the Institute for Work & Health. Inexperienced workers are especially at risk, because it takes time for the body to become used to working in hot conditions.

     In its “Heat Stress Awareness Guide,” the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario offers the following recommendations to employers for managing the risk of heat stress:

     Train workers to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat stress and to know how to avoid them.

– Provide water nearby on the job site and ensure everyone drinks about one cup of water every 20 to 30 minutes, even if they’re not thirsty.

– Establish a first-aid response system with trained first-aid providers and a means to record and report heat stress incidents.

– Allow time for workers to acclimatize to the heat and the work. This usually takes about two weeks.

– Encourage workers to use a buddy system – each buddy looks out for early signs and symptoms of heat stress in the other.

Kids and cars

     Even on days that seem relatively mild, 20 minutes is all it takes for the interior of a vehicle to reach extreme temperatures. Exposure to these conditions can cause a child to overheat, go into shock and sustain vital organ failure.

     Tragedies like these happen every year in Canada; yet, they are entirely preventable. Parents and caregivers need to be aware of and recognize the inherent dangers of leaving a child unattended, especially in a confined space such as a car on a hot day. The advice is simple: never leave a child alone in a vehicle – not even for a minute.

     Children are especially sensitive to heat exposure because their sweat glands are not fully developed, which means their bodies are not capable of cooling down quickly. When exposed to heat, a child’s body temperature rises three times faster than an adult in the same conditions.

     Incidents of children being forgotten in a vehicle can occur if otherwise responsible parents and caregivers are distracted, fatigued or if there is a break in daily routine. However, extra care and vigilance is all it takes to ensure the safety of children and all other vehicle occupants, such as pets and elderly persons. Develop the habit of consciously checking that all occupants are out of the vehicle before it is parked and locked. For example, lock your vehicle using your key, rather than a remote. Use these few seconds to scan the interior of the vehicle to make sure that no one has been left behind.

     Thanks to the folks st the Canada Safety Council for this great information! Check out their website for more info on a variety of interesting topics all with your safety in mind:


Great to see so many entries coming in for The Oran's Pet Photo Contest! We love our furkids! In warm  weather we have to remember that our pets become more vulnerable to heat stress as well. Puppies, kittens, geriatric dogs and cats tend to be more susceptible. Others at risk include short-nosed breeds, Persian cats, overweight pets and pets with cardiac or respiratory disorders.

     Maintaining a comfortable environment for our pets is important. All pets should have easy access to lots of fresh water. On days of extreme heat, put a few ice cubes in the water bowl.  Pets who are left outside should have plenty of shade and cool water.

     If you notice your pet isn't eating well, there is no need to worry unless it displays other signs of illness. Most pets tend to eat less during extremely hot weather.

     Never leave your pet confined in a car or any other poorly ventilated enclosure; it can be fatal. One study reports that when the outside temperature is 78º F, a closed car will reach 90º F in five minutes, and 110º F in 25 minutes.

     Avoid excessive exercise of dogs during hot days or warm, humid nights. The best time to exercise dogs is either early in the morning before sunrise or late in the evening after the sun goes down.

     Heat stroke is the most common kind of heat stress. It develops rapidly and is often associated with exposure to high temperatures, humidity and poor ventilation. Symptoms include panting, a staring or anxious expression, failure to respond to commands, warm, dry skin, extremely high temperature, dehydration, rapid heartbeat and collapse.

     To treat heat stroke, immerse the pet in cool water or spray it with a garden hose to help lower its body temperature. If water is not available, apply ice packs to the head and neck and move it to a cool place at once. A gentle breeze from a fan may also be used. With any form of heat stress, prompt veterinary attention is important to deal with potential complications.

     While heat is a concern to pet owners, there are other threats to our pets we often don't think about. Many garden and house plants may cause irritation, illness or death if ingested by pets. Amaryllis, daffodil, tulip and iris bulbs, azalea, lily of the valley, yew, dieffenbachia, philodendron and caladium are a few of the plants toxic to pets. Plan your garden and arrange your houseplants to be off-limits to pets.

     Hot pavement, sticky tar or gravel may cause footpad problems. To remove tar from footpads, rub them with petroleum jelly and then gently wash with mild soap and water and rinse thoroughly. Never use kerosene or turpentine to remove tar. These chemicals irritate the skin and can be toxic to your pet.

     Many of the insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers we use to keep our lawns and gardens beautiful may be harmful or even toxic to a pet. Dogs and cats pick up residue on their paws after running over the treated area and become ill after licking it off their paws. If a pet tends to eat grass, freshly sprayed lawns present an additional threat.

     Summer means mosquitoes and the danger of heartworm disease. A trip to your veterinarian is in order to have your dog checked for heartworm as well as other internal parasites and to begin a heartworm prevention program. Remember that cats can also become infected, but the incidence is lower. If you live in an area with a heavy mosquito infestation, ask your veterinarian about heartworm protection for your cat.

     The problem of fleas and ticks intensifies during summer months. Regular grooming not only helps control summertime shedding, but also helps in flea and tick control. Examine your pet''s haircoat carefully during each grooming session for evidence of external parasites. Your veterinarian can recommend flea control products for your pet and its environment. Just be certain that any product you use for your cat is labeled safe for cats.


     Special thanks to the Purina Company for this valuable information. Check out their website for much more great advice concerning your cat or dog.  Log on to:

Oran Dan - The Inverness Oran -

The Inverness Oran
15767 Central Avenue. P.O. Box 100
Inverness, Nova Scotia. B0E 1N0
Tel.: 1 (902) 258-2253. Fax: 1 (902) 258-2632
Email: [email protected]